Supplements & Medications
Algagen Apocylops
Cyclopoids - AlgaGenPods™ Apocylops Apocylops panamensis We got this from Jim W. who has had great success working with it in his breeding endeavors…thank you Jim! He has raised this on paste. We do see very hi-production densities. Small nauplii and adult are...
AlgaGenPods Tisbe
Harpacticoids - AlgaGenPods™ Tisbe Tisbe biminensis are tropical sub-tropical. They are a great inoculation for your tank. They eat detritus, phyto, fish food, fish waste and multiply. We don’t worry about skimmers, pumps, uv…just add them and stand back. Of course we recommend repeated additions,...
Brightwell Aquatics Zooplanktos-M
Overview Provides zooplankton and fully-digestible, unhatched eggs ranging in size from 50 - 300µm. Ideally-sized for many stony corals, clams, sponges, tunicates, tube worms, larval crustaceans, juvenile fishes, and adult planktivorous and microinvertebrate-predatory fishes. Formulated to provide over four-thousand prey...
Brightwell Aquatics Potassion - Concentrated Potassium Solution
Highly-concentrated ionic potassium solution. Provides potassium, an important component of aragonite (the mineral secreted as skeletal material by corals and other reef-building marine organisms), complexed into pigments that enhance blue coloration of some small-polyp stony corals, important to proper neurological...
Brightwell Aquatics Restor - Liquid Coral Tissue Nutritional Supplement
Overview Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration.Provides important nutrients to corals and their allies during periods of stress induced by changes in lighting and/or prolonged exposure to excessive water temperature (often resulting in “bleaching”). Aids in tissue repair after...
Brightwell Aquatics Microvore
Brightwell Aquatics Micrōvore effectively replicates the presence of zooplankton and particulates so natural to reef fishes and suspension-feeding invertebrates such as corals and tube worms. Equally important, Micrōvore is an ideal blend of marine-derived nutrients required for long-term health, growth,...
Brightwell Aquatics Lugol's Solution
Instructions and Guidelines Determine the iodine concentration in the aquarium using an accurate test kit before supplementing. Each ml of Brightwell Aquatics Lugol’s will increase the concentration of iodine (“[I]”) in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by 34 ppm,...
Brightwell Aquatics Reef Snow
Overview Complex of carbonate-bound, non-conservative major, minor, and trace elements in aragonite ratios, as well as marine-derived proteins and lipids in coral tissue ratios. Simultaneously delivers appropriate inorganic and organic nutrients required by stony corals, both zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate soft...
Brightwell Aquatics Replenish
Unique complex that replaces trace and minor elements used by fishes, corals, and other invertebrates, that are lost through chemical filtration. Provides 29 minor and trace minerals in natural seawater ratios. Composed of purified water and ultra-high purity materials. Made...
Brightwell Koral MD Standard Strength Coral & Frag Dip
All-natural prophylactic cleaner, dip & conditioner made from natural plant extracts and oils. Cleans new corals, live rock & empty coral fragging and holding facilities. Prevents the transfer of unwanted substances into aquarium. Assists in acclimating newly fragmented corals &...
Brightwell Aquatics pH+ Liquid pH Increaser
Balanced pH & Alkalinity with pH+ Rapidly Increases pH & Alkalinity Superior Potency Made with High Purity Materials Freshwater or Saltwater Safe The pH of natural seawater ranges from approximately 8.2 - 8.4. For a variety of reasons, the...
Brightwell Aquatics Iodion - Liquid Iodine Supplement
Overview Highly-concentrated, extended activity iodide solution. Provides iodide, which is important to hermatypic corals and other invertebrates harboring zooxanthellae, macroalgae, and also to the health of fishes. Stronger than most competing products. The nature of iodide sources used makes Iodion...
Brightwell Aquatics KoralColor - Increased Coloration
Overview Provides numerous elements important to the formation of various biochromes (biological pigments), complex molecules that give coloration to plant and animal cells through their selective color-absorption and -reflection characteristics. Formulated specifically to provide trace quantities of elements for gradual...
Brightwell Aquatics CoralAmino - Free Form Amino Acid Supplement
Overview Complex of free-form amino acids in the same ratios found within tissues of stony corals. Beneficial to all corals (stony and soft), as well as solitary and colonial polyps. Formulated based on data compiled by oceanographers researching coral tissue...
Brightwell Aquatics NeoPhos
Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural nitrogen uptake to take place in systems with inadequate phosphorus content, lowering ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations without the use of chemical filtration media and without resorting to...
Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter CLEAN
Complex system of non-pathogenic microbes and natural enzymes, specifically formulated to clean aquarium live rock and decorations. The concentration of dissolved and particulate organic materials in any aquatic environment can have a significant impact on the overall appearance of,...
Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code A - Balanced Calcium & Alkalinity System
Brightwell’s MagnesION is part of a complete system for maintaining the major elements. The liquid forms are ready for use in a dosing pump and when coupled with Alkalin 8.3 and CalcION, it is convenient and simple to maintain stable levels of each...
Brightwell Aquatics MicroBacter7
Benefits Rapid reduction of organic carbon, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate. Digestion of uneaten/undigested food, excreta, detritus, and other latent organic material, resulting in cleaner and healthier aquarium substrate Reduction of organic compounds into nutrients that encourage the growth of...
Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code B - Balanced Calcium & Alkalinity System
Overview The carbonate-bearing component of a two-part method for dosing calcium and carbonates (the substances largely responsible for increasing alkalinity (”buffering capacity”)) in the same ratio as that found in natural seawater. Ionically-balanced with respect to natural seawater concentrations of...
Brightwell Aquatics Reef Code A - Balanced Calcium & Alkalinity System
Overview The calcium-bearing component of a two-part method for dosing calcium and carbonates (the substances largely responsible for increasing alkalinity (”buffering capacity”)) in the same ratio as that found in natural seawater. Ionically-balanced with respect to natural seawater concentrations of...
One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria for Reef Aquarium Dr. Tim's Aquatics
Eliminates new tank syndrome Instantly creates a bio filter Removes toxic ammonia and nitrite, naturally No sulfur or other offensive odors No wait needed 100% natural Use when setting up a new tank, after a water change, cleaning your filter,...
Waste-Away Natural Aquarium Cleaner for Reef Aquarium Dr. Tim's
Waste-Away is a unique combination of bacteria that attack and dissolve organic wastes in the aquarium quickly. Even with good maintenance and monthly water changes, sludge and wastes remain in the aquarium in hard to reach and hard to see...
SulfaPlex (10g) - Seachem
Treats many bacterial, fungal, and protozoan infestations Broad spectrum antibiotic and anti-fungal medication Most effective of the sulfa drugs in saltwater Absorbed through gills SulfaPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for many bacterial, fungal and protozoan infestations in the...
Focus Antibacterial Treatment (5gm) - Seachem
Description Antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish Use alone or mixed with other medications to make them palatable to fish and greatly reduce the loss of medication to the water through diffusion Treats fungal and bacterial infections Focus™ is...
NeoPlex (10g) - Seachem
Description Broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections Safe for marine and freshwater Minimal impact on bio-filter NeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPlex™ will...
Blue Vet Flux Rx (Fluconazole) Aquarium Treatment
Flux Rx is an extremely safe and effective aquarium treatment and can even be used in reef aquariums with corals present. It should be noted that if you have bryopsis or green hair algae present in your aquarium, fluconazole can...
Seachem Matrix Bio Media
High capacity biofiltration
Controls ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate
Highly porous - enormous surface area (>~700 m2/L)
Supports aerobic and anaerobic bacteria species
Seachem Metroplex Bacterial & Protazoan Fish Treatment
Features Treats protazoan parasites and anaerobic bacterial diseases Minimal danger of overdose Great for medicated food mix for internal parasites Does not adversely affect the filter bed While disease treatment in a quarantine tank is always the preferred option,...
Brightwell Aquatics NeoPhos - Balanced Phosphorus Supplement
Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural nitrogen uptake to take place in systems with inadequate phosphorus content, lowering ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate concentrations without the use of chemical filtration media and without resorting to...
Brightwell Aquatics NeoNitro - Balanced Nitrogen Supplement
Used in conjunction with MICROBACTER7 and REEF BIOFUEL or KATALYST, enables natural phosphorus uptake to take place in systems with inadequate nitrogen content, lowering phosphate concentration without the use of chemical filtration media and without resorting to polluting the system...